Προσοχη. Επειγον. Μπειτε στα taxis σας. Εχουν χρεωσει ΕΕΤΗΔΕ του 2012 χωρις να λενε καν σε ποιο ακινητο ανηκει. Ημερομηνια βεβαιωσης των ΕΕΤΗΔΕ 31/12/2013
Δευτέρα 30 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Τι παθαίνει ο κόσμος; Τους έχουν κλειδωμένους πουθενά και τους αμολάνε τις μέρες των εορτών στους δρόμους;
Τι παθαίνει ο κόσμος; Τους έχουν κλειδωμένους πουθενά και τους αμολάνε τις μέρες των εορτών στους δρόμους;
Κυριακή 29 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Πέμπτη 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
1.3 million portfolio and deposits Papadimoulis
1.3 million portfolio and deposits Papadimoulis- See more at: http://www.kentrinews.gr/?p=14236 # sthash.n4U3OiOv.dpuf
The greatest scientific discoveries of the year leaving
2013 was certainly an important and fruitful year for the global scientific community . However some achievements really impressed researchers breaking new ground in disciplines such as medicine and astronomy .
Here are the major achievements of world scientific community that marked 2013
Crowds in space
Many new spacecraft were launched in 2013 , with the most important MAVEN which currently travels the atmosphere of the planet Mars. Alongside the Caltech researchers say only this year found at least 100 billion planets in the Milky Way .
Cloned human embryonic stem cells
After more than a decade of failed attempts , researchers at the University of Health and Science at Oregon , announced that they have created cloned human embryos and stem cells collected from them. They also created cells from specialized cells in the skin and heart , making a first step for use in human transplantation .
The Voyager crossed the limits of our Solar System
One of the most important announcements of the year relates to an incident that actually happened in 2012 but we have seen this year . The vibrations of solar storms in September confirmed that the spacecraft NASA's Voyager 1 came from outside our solar system in space.
Detected lake on Mars probably host life
The Curiosity of NASA continues to write history in the soil of the Red Planet and among the most important discoveries of 2013 is a dry lake which probably housed life more than three billion years ago.
The skull revealed our roots
The archaeological site Ntmanisi the Republic of Georgia , researchers discovered a skull aged 1800000 years hiding inside of a mixture of ancient and new characteristics . This finding suggests that archaic humans mated with Homo erectus, as well as some early modern humans in prehistory . Many modern people have a small dose of archaic human genes .
Empty wallets in 2014: Four days for four taxes
Long lines began to form banks and tax authorities to taxpayers rushing to pay taxes and fees , to settle tax matters or to surrender the license plates of the cars , as they are unable to pay the road tax for 2014 .
The last working day of the year , taxpayers will have to pay installments of income tax, property tax years 2011 , 2012 and 2013 , the end of the 2014 movement and the " hike " PPC if the deadline party billing expires on December 31, 2013 .
Due to the great taxpayers in recent days, not excluding the finance ministry to give an informal extension of a few days in order not to burden the private owners fines . It should be noted that in case of late payment of fees in fine equivalent to the value of the signal.
The bulk of revenues will come from road tax , although holders of car and motorcycle show ... reluctant so far to meet their obligations .
The Treasury estimate that the total revenue from these taxes until next Tuesday will reach 1.5 billion, while the tax luxury living for cars 1,929 cc and above the pools and the aircraft will be paid off discount of 1.5 % until the end of January 2014 .
Incredible dives, balance exercises on bridges, surfing waves, impressive shots in basketball and rafting are just some of the many scenes captured from the "Break" the known channel of Youtube. The ...
video includes some of the best moments of 2013.
Dog gets gift 210 plastic bottles and crazy (video)
Τετάρτη 25 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
In the category 'very high risk' of social unrest ranks ahead for 2014, the Greece , according to an estimation of the driver of the Economist magazine for the new year ...
Out of Bosnia - Herzegovina , Greece is the only country in the continent between 19 states included in the relevant category.
The rest of the class they belong in Africa , Latin America and Asia .
Criterion 's research magazine are inherent and cyclical weaknesses which characterize the states of the world .
According to the Economist, the main platform for social instability in the countries , regardless of their major differences , the global financial crisis of 2008-2009 and its effects.
A total of 65 countries placed the magazine in the categories of high or very high risk .
In the category of Greece , are exposed , inter alia , Libya , Egypt , Bangladesh , Venezuela and Zimbabwe .
In the Government Gazette ( GG 3255/V/20.12.2013 ) published a notice on the program for new farmers , € 140 million , which is expected ...
join over 8,000 people who want to take care farms .
The aim of the program , according to the Ministry of Rural Development , is the revitalization of the rural population by installing new under 40 years , by providing incentives to facilitate the initial establishment and the structural adjustment of their holdings with the submission of a business plan .
criteria for funding
Those wishing to join will receive 70 % of the amount of funding approved as a deposit. Note that the amount of funding varies based on the following criteria.
1 Region of residence Mountain 7500
handicapping 5000
Other Areas 2500
2 Orientation of the holding to the future state Forage 7,500
Crop 7500
Mixed- Beekeeping 5000
Level 3 farm income in future state> 120% Income Report 5000
80 % - 120 % of the Reference Income 2,500
Height aid may be granted : Max 20,000 - 10,000 Minimum
Specifically, the breakdown by region for the provision of financial assistance will be as follows :
A / A Region / Budget Public Expenditure in euro
Eastern Macedonia & Thrace 12,600,000
Central Macedonia 32400000
Western Macedonia 6,300,000
Thessaly 13,600,000
Epirus 5,100,000
1,400,000 Ionian Islands
Western Greece 15,500,000
Central Greece 5,900,000
Peloponnese 14,700,000
Attica 700,000
Northern Aegean 7,400,000
South Aegean 1,600,000
Crete 22.800.000
TOTAL 140,000,000
Right to apply for aid are natural persons resident in the Greek territory , registered in the Integrated Administration and Control System ( IACS ) , which settled for the first time as head of agricultural holdings during the 14 months preceding the date of submission aid application provided on their face at the date of submission of the aid application met all the following conditions:
a) have completed 18 years of age , have full legal capacity in accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code and solvency and have not completed 40 years of age.
b ) is resident in the area of application of the measure .
More specifically, the candidate should be resident area:
Mountainous or disadvantaged Municipal or Local Community and Housing .
Municipal or Local Community normal range with actual population to 100,000 residents .
c ) The agricultural exploitation has minimum size requirements to work one-half ( 0.5 ) MWU ( 1 Reg = 1,750 hours worked per year ) and meets the other requirements of Chapter I.G2 .
d ) have sufficient professional capacity or undertake to acquire within 36 months from the date of the individual authorization decision .
e) submit a business plan with a maximum duration of five years with binding targets and timelines for the development of agricultural activities , and the structural adjustment of their holdings , but also for the acquisition or completion of adequate professional capacity , if needed .
f ) undertake contractual obligations decennial long .
g) Do not fall into the categories of ineligible candidates (Cap. I.G3 ) .
The first term of reference for the establishment of the candidate as chief farm in order to receive aid Metre fulfilled if the interval between the date of first installation on the farm and the decision of approval not exceeding eighteen (18 ) months .
Please note that the application period will start on 03/18/2014 and is expected to last until 16/05/2014 .
Details of the terms and conditions of membership candidate young farmers in this measure , stakeholders and the evaluation and approval of beneficiaries have been posted on the websites of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food and www.minagric.gr www.agrotikianaptixi. gr.
Fire and Fury KKE for smog
Over 700 people were in the standard festive table ' paved ' Reception Center and Solidarity of Athens, in Covered Gym Roof ...
Municipal officials , volunteers , homeless and destitute by the sounds of live music shared traditional food and celebrated , sending messages of hope and optimism .
' Men and women of all ages , some with children from different cultural backgrounds , warmed by the presence of sports facilities, today put their festive .
" We are celebrating like we are with our family ," says ANA- MPA president KYADA Nikos Kokkinos on the table of the municipality, who for a decade has become an institution .
Apostolis , 47, is four years unemployed and homeless . Eating regularly messes municipal street and Sophocles had done before Christmas last year , Rouf . Perceptive and smiling, proud faces the problems experienced .
Uproar from the statements Merkel to return to the drachma
The Le Monde reveals an incredible statement from Merkel at the summit , but still has not been confirmed .
According the German Chancellor reportedly said :
'' We talked to know whether Greece should leave the euro and I think if this had happened , should we all abandon EMU at a later time .''
Immediately after came the warning - threat.
'' As long as I remain Chancellor of Germany will help the whole world , but I'm not sure if I could do it a second time , due to fatigue of German taxpayers . This can be derailed at some point .''
At least 35 people were killed in bomb attacks in parts of Baghdad where Christians live , most when a car bomb exploded near a church after operation on christmas day ...
A parked car was caught with a large quantity of explosives exploded as the faithful were leaving a church in Durres district , in the south of Baghdad . The blast killed 25 people .
Two other bombs exploded in a crowded market in Durres district , where many Christians live , resulting in the deaths of six people and wounding 14.
Overall the two attacks wounded 52 people .
Iraq : Bloody bombings in Christian neighborhoods
Violence in Iraq has returned to the levels of five years ago , as Sunni fanatics linked to al Qaeda have turned against the Shiite -led government under Nuri al- Maliki and who considers that supports it. Thousands of people have been killed in attacks in 2013 . According to an account of the AFP , the death toll has surpassed 6,650 this year .
The Christian minority in Iraq has been attacked members of al Qaeda in the past repeatedly .
An attack on a church in 2010 had claimed dozens of lives . Estimated that of the 1.5 million Christians living in Iraq in 2003 , today there is left in place until approximately 500,000.
Τρίτη 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
In a lawsuit against the Eurogroup and other institutional
institutions of the European Union (European Central
Bank , etc. ) fifty Cypriot depositors and shareholders of
Cypriot banks seeking compensation ...
on the "haircut" of their deposits .
The class action filed by the Bar
Office Christostomides Cyprus , which for
This case works with teachers and
other jurists abroad.
It is the first time to pay the
European Union General Court of Justice
has to decide if his actions can Eurogroup
be attributed to the European Union and
establish entitlement to compensation
Specifically , the applicants claim compensation mainly
the adverse effects caused to
Same with the decision of the Eurogroup, dated 25
March 2013 , which imposed measures
Democratic consolidation in the Bank and the Bank of Cyprus .
All defendants and the EU generally accused
serious violations of the right to property and
the general principles of non- adverse
discrimination of legitimate
expectations and proportionality
enshrined in European Law .
The lawyer Cyprus Spokesman said that the Cyprus
is the only Member State of the EU , which was given
financial assistance provided to implement
recapitalization by the same means , and other
coercive measures .
This raises , according to the Spokesman ,
important legal questions and new arguments ,
the validity of which is now called the court to
judge as to the scope of corporate liability
EU .
Economic crisis "Economic crisis significantly harmed health
Economic crisis "Economic crisis significantly harmed health . Already there is an increase in infant mortality and the rise in unemployment contributes to reduced life expectancy , 2-3 years , "said yesterday Professor of Health Economics , University of Athens John Yfantopoulos making the inaugural speech of 5th Congress of Pathology Central Greece .
The three days of the conference , organized by the Institute of Internal Medicine - Hepatology , Department of Internal Medicine and the namesake the Research Laboratory of the University of Thessaly under the auspices of the Medical School of Larissa , the Greek Society of Internal Medicine and Pathology Society of Northern Greece , was launched yesterday at the hotel " Imperial " with the participation of Greek and foreign scientists , who with their suggestions will be discussed in later clinical data
The importance of portion size
Obesity in recent decades has gotten out of hand , with obesity ( and related problems , such as diabetes , cardiovascular disease and hypertension ) to be the main cause of death .
Already , childhood obesity in Greece becomes extensive , which is confirmed by many studies that have taken place in recent years . These children have increased odds of being obese in adulthood . The question is who is really responsible for this ? The family environment , social environment , external factors , restaurants, supermarkets in. The truth is that the answer lies somewhere in between ...
It is obvious that obesity is due to excessive consumption of energy ( kcal ) through diet and reduced physical activity . This of course is because the environment in which we live our forces to such a lifestyle . The food in the restaurants , large portions and the ubiquitous food , contributing to overconsumption of calories.
The portion size has increased much more than the suggested servings used as benchmarks to indicate dietary guidelines and therefore confusing to people who follow specific dietary guidelines ( eg weight loss) . The huge food portions contain more calories than smaller ones . So , people are encouraged to eat more food than needed .
The food , but the portions and food consumed outside the home was observed to have increased since 1980 , which contributed to the increase in obesity . Specifically , the Ministry of Agriculture of the United States (USDA), found an increase of 700 kcal / day per capita in calories .
It is characteristic that known food chains promote oversized portions of food , with the aim of increasing their profits. While in Europe there is a corresponding increase in portions , the portions in America are even greater . For example , a large portion of fries at a known chain of fast food restaurants in the UK , contains 200 calories less than what in America .
Because mathematically in the following years the portions will probably increase even more, and worse, be regarded as normal, an interesting strategy would be to places catering menus appear more nutrition information and recommendation ( eg grams portion , total calories , total carbohydrates , proteins and fats ) of each food / food selected . Thus , the prospective client will at least know what 's served . Another useful tactic would be offered choices in portion size , with corresponding financial compensation ( eg small , medium, large) .
On the other hand, proper training should be done by health professionals on the portion size , with the aim of selecting smaller portions , and generally a healthier lifestyle . In general, health professionals, along with the state should work together to find a balance to solve the problem for the benefit of public health .
Lungs from Stem Cells
Researchers at the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Columbia University in New York , claiming that they are one step closer to creating lung tissue suitable for transplantation using the patient's cells .
The study, published in the journal "Nature Biotechnology", says scientists have successfully converted human stem cells into functional cells of the lungs and airways.
Study leader Dr . Hans Willem Snoeck explains the importance of this achievement in the following terms :
"Researchers have been able in the past to convert human stem cells into cardiac , pancreatic , intestinal , liver and neural cells , thereby increasing the potential of regenerative medicine. Now , we are finally able to turn stem cells into cells of the lungs and airways. Although we are not yet at the stage of clinical application for which it will take several more years , but we can think about the future realization of autologous lung transplantation , using that skin cells of the same patient to create a functional lung tissue . "
Both Dr. . Snoeck and his research team are hopeful that in the future , doctors will be able to take the lung from a donor to deduct all lung cells , retaining only the scaffold of the institution . Will then feed it with new lung cells , which are created by the patient by the above method . This way you can avoid rejection by the body of the receiver , which often occurs in many patients .
Valuable ally Beauty Cocoa
Cocoa flavonoids because of ingredients that is one of the best natural antioxidants .
Except that is incredibly beneficial for our health , since acts against cancer and protect against heart disease and blood pressure , cocoa also stops the action of free radicals and is an excellent anti-aging ally .
You can integrate in your daily routine every morning since your tone both internally and externally.
Boil water , put it in your mug , add 1 teaspoon cocoa , stir and drink it plain , without adding sugar or milk. Good to drink daily or as often as you drink the above !
Cocoa from the old days was considered a source of health and energy . Prefer Organic cocoa contains more antioxidants and choose always high as 70 % .
The greatest scientific discoveries of the year leaving
The greatest scientific discoveries of the year leaving
2013 was certainly an important and fruitful year for the global scientific community . However some achievements really impressed researchers breaking new ground in disciplines such as medicine and astronomy .
Here are the major achievements of world scientific community that marked 2013
Crowds in space
Many new spacecraft were launched in 2013 , with the most important MAVEN which currently travels the atmosphere of the planet Mars. Alongside the Caltech researchers say only this year found at least 100 billion planets in the Milky Way .
Cloned human embryonic stem cells
After more than a decade of failed attempts , researchers at the University of Health and Science at Oregon , announced that they have created cloned human embryos and stem cells collected from them. They also created cells from specialized cells in the skin and heart , making a first step for use in human transplantation .
The Voyager crossed the limits of our Solar System
One of the most important announcements of the year relates to an incident that actually happened in 2012 but we have seen this year . The vibrations of solar storms in September confirmed that the spacecraft NASA's Voyager 1 came from outside our solar system in space.
Detected lake on Mars probably host life
The Curiosity of NASA continues to write history in the soil of the Red Planet and among the most important discoveries of 2013 is a dry lake which probably housed life more than three billion years ago.
The skull revealed our roots
The archaeological site Ntmanisi the Republic of Georgia , researchers discovered a skull aged 1800000 years hiding inside of a mixture of ancient and new characteristics . This finding suggests that archaic humans mated with Homo erectus, as well as some early modern humans in prehistory . Many modern people have a small dose of archaic human genes .
Δευτέρα 23 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Δώδεκα φόροι το 2014, βάρη σε μισθωτούς και συνταξιούχους
Δώδεκα φόροι το 2014, βάρη σε μισθωτούς και συνταξιούχους
Κυριακή 22 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
"The 600,000 arrived in 2013 'seizures deposits
Athens : The tax authorities claimed the 2013 seizure of deposits more than 600,000 creditors of the State, according to a report in the Sunday Eleftherotypia .
According to the records of statements of third district court of Athens , 2013 98,749 returns filed by third parties, but each of which refers to much more debtors , who moderates calculations but also according to the fieldwork newspaper exceed 600,000 .
According to the report , the majority regards small and large borrowers of government , while 80 % of the garnishee concerning requests WHO to seize accounts.
On average statements by third parties for recovery of arrears reached 2013 500 day , and there are days that served more than 1,000 .
Last year 70.387 statements third tabled , the overwhelming proportion of which comes from banks
CONTINUED bloodshed in Syria ...
Dozens of dead and wounded is the outcome of the current raids Syrian Air Force in Aleppo in northern Syria , ...
while at least 12 people , including six children , were killed by a truck bomb in the central province of Homs .
" Dozens of people were killed or injured by barrels filled with explosives were dropped from planes on a highway near a market , as well as neighborhoods in Aleppo ," said the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
" The hospitals are full of injured people ," said the press center of Aleppo , which was not able to give account as the bombing continued .
The General Commission of the Syrian Revolution denounced the bombing campaign carried out for eight days against Aleppo referring to a " state of terror and depopulation in rural areas despite the intense cold ."
On Saturday, Human Rights Watch condemned the raids and had a reason for reporting more than 200 dead within a few days . " The government forces have caused a disaster in Aleppo ," according to the Observatory .
In the province of Homs , the explosion of a truck bomb near a primary school in Um al- Oumnta , a village inhabited mainly by Shiites , killed at least 12 lives , including six students , according to the official Syrian news agency SANA and Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. The number of casualties is unclear.
Καλοκαιριάτικος μποναμάς: Έρχεται το ραβασάκι της εφορίας για το διπλό χαράτσι ακινήτων και ξεκινά η δικαστική μάχη
Καλοκαιριάτικος μποναμάς: Έρχεται το ραβασάκι της εφορίας για το διπλό χαράτσι ακινήτων και ξεκινά η δικαστική μάχη
Σάββατο 21 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
μα τα ζώα. ξέρεις τι είναι ο άλλος να βγαίνει μια στο τόσο από το υστέρημα του k να γυρνάει από την διασκέδαση που πήγε τσάμπα με πρόσκληση για να γλιτώσει την είσοδο k να βρίσκει μια κληση που του είχε κόψει ο κάθε αγράμματος βλάχος, για πληρώσει τους άλλους "συναδελφους" του τα ζώα? κ μαλιστα ενω ειχε παρκαρει κανονικα?
μα τα ζώα. ξέρεις τι είναι ο άλλος να βγαίνει μια στο τόσο από το υστέρημα του k να γυρνάει από την διασκέδαση που πήγε τσάμπα με πρόσκληση για να γλιτώσει την είσοδο k να βρίσκει μια κληση που του είχε κόψει ο κάθε αγράμματος βλάχος, για πληρώσει τους άλλους "συναδελφους" του τα ζώα? κ μαλιστα ενω ειχε παρκαρει κανονικα?
Learn the truth about beer
If on hearing the word beer your mind goes to ... " birokoilia ", then it is time to review. Our favorite drink has been linked to many unsubstantiated claims , but who have no scientific standing. Really , what are the most prevalent opinions known about beer and what is actually true ?
The beer does " birokoilia »
The fact that drinking beer increases the circumference of the abdomen is not supported by the available scientific data . What we know is that the " mechanism " that determines our weight goes by the name of energy balance . So, to fatten one should calories you get from food to outdo spends his body to perform the basic functions and the various activities within the day . The beer is usually accompanied by various dishes , which most often are high in calories . But why tummy grows us ? What actually happens is that eating high fat snacks with beer drinker eventually hire more calories compared to those who " burn ." These extra calories eventually lead to the accumulation of fat in our fat stores (which are mostly found in men in the abdomen ), and thus gradually leads to increased belly and waist . The cause , therefore , created the belly is the overconsumption of calories , not only alcohol , but also from other foods , in combination with low levels of physical activity .
H beer does not cause dehydration
Beer is one of the few alcoholic drinks with very high water content , while an average beer has very little alcohol content of about 4-5 % . What research data show is that when the beer consumed in moderation ( ie until 1 can beer for women and 2 boxes for men per day) and being well hydrated through water and other non-alcoholic beverages , then the beer is not causes dehydration .
The beer has antioxidants
Previously we thought that alcoholic drinks only wine contains antioxidants . However , more and more studies confirm that the beer is a beverage rich in antioxidant content. More specifically , the beer contains phenolic compounds ( polyphenols , phenolic acids , flavonoids , catechins , proanthocyanidins ) , derived mainly from malt ( 70-80 % ) and hops (20-30 % ) . The type of antioxidant beer differs from those of the wine , while it is estimated that the beer contains twice the amount of antioxidants in comparison with the white wine.
The beer contains no preservatives
The beer is produced by the natural process of fermentation , using as raw materials malt , hops , water and yeast . At the same time , the ingredients in beer such as tannins , alcohol and organic acids act as natural preservatives , and at all stages of production followed a system that prevents bacteria culture of microorganisms . So ensure microbial safety, without the use of preservatives .
In conclusion , when the beer consumed in moderation and as part of a balanced diet can be a good choice for fans of the drink , while those who avoid alcohol , but love the taste , the choice of a beer without alcohol is a smart and tasty option.
The importance of a balanced breakfast meal
But what if the lack of time leads to omission or click an incomplete breakfast in which missing most food categories ? There a way to prepare a quick , easy and complete meal with .. good morning ?
What are the food categories to be included in breakfast ?
A proper breakfast food contains at least 2 of the following categories :
• Milk Group (milk , yogurt )
• Group meat / protein foods (egg , cheese)
• Group starch (bread , rusks , cereals , preferably wholegrain )
• Group of fruit and vegetables
Think ... fast !
Although the theory seems difficult , in practice it is very simple to prepare a full breakfast without spend much of your time . One effective tactic is to prepare your meal , a toast for example , the night before and store in the refrigerator . Alternatively you can eat "easy" foods that require no preparation such as cereal bars , crackers and toast combined with an atomic Tyrakis , or even a small piece of homemade cake / pie you've already finished . But what about the group of fruits and vegetables? How to integrate easily and quickly to your breakfast ?
A breakfast ' ally ' ...
A glass of 100 % natural orange juice can be integrated very pleasantly and quickly to your breakfast meal , while still covering one of five servings of fruits and vegetables recommended to be consumed daily. You can combine it with foods from other groups such as breakfast cereals , toast , bread , dairy , egg and cheese and extra benefit from its nutritional value .
More specifically , the key ingredient in juice are natural sugars , ie simple carbohydrates that are a direct source of energy for the body and the basic " energy currency " of the brain and nervous system . It also contains nutrients necessary for proper and smooth functioning of the body such as vitamin C, folate and potassium components is also seen as contributing to the prevention of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular .
Delicious and balanced breakfast with orange juice
- A glass of 100 % orange juice and whole grain bread with cheese and turkey
- A glass of skimmed milk , a slice of homemade cake with olive oil and a glass of 100 % orange juice
- A glass of 100 % orange juice , boiled egg or poached eggs and one bun Thessaloniki
- A glass of skimmed milk , bar wholegrain cereal and a glass of 100 % orange juice
- A glass of 100 % orange juice and 1 piece of homemade pie or spinach
Επικίνδυνο μέρος η Ευρώπη για τις αποταμιεύσεις (και όχι μόνο)
Let's look at it in detail:
Europe decided that when a European bank is ready to fail should put the money in order of its shareholders (correct and legitimate ) , who have homologs ( they took the risk of the bank, so there is a " far-fetched " logic in question ) and , finally , the depositors ( unreasonable and unjust ) .
Let's focus on the issue of depositors who are the most critical . First, depositors are not investors and savers is certainly ones taking the risk of trusting A or B bank and that risk is to bankrupt the bank and they can not get their deposits . Until now, these cases cover the whole banking system through security , namely the Guarantee fund them . Now Europe has announced that only deposits up to € 100,000 are guaranteed and are not at risk in any way . Of this amount or more, however , applicants will participate in saving the bank from bankruptcy .
This , despite the fact that it is illogical and unethical ( personal opinion that raises a lot of conversation ) , and is potentially dangerous for the banking system .
This announcement automatically triggers a series of reactions from citizens.
First , depositors will break all their deposits in more accounts will each contain less than 100,000 euros. Debates So to be safe anyone have bank deposit eurozone should his testimony be less than 100,000 euros.
Not stopping there, though the question : answering press after the ruling , the European authorities have clarified that in case of emergency will be the first capital increase ( ie borne by shareholders) , then you will be mowing the bonds of banks ( ie will incur bondholders ) and if you still need more money to bail out the bank , you will lose and depositors ( those over 100,000 euros ) their money .
They speak the chartogiakades the European Union as to cater to idiots .
From the moment you announced the problem of the bank , at the same time and not in order , the following will occur :
• The shares will fall to zero and none of the existing shareholders will not want to participate in the capital increase .
• The bondholders will want to sell their bonds and because no one buys their price would fall to zero .
• Depositors over € 100,000 will immediately withdraw their deposits and will send them to other banks . And because no one is ever sure , all depositors will withdraw their deposits and will send them to other banks because they are afraid that the insolvent bank will not be able to transact .
These moves will eliminate any possibility of the bank being rescued and therefore you need to get money from the Europeans .
So this whole bailout of banks falls on deaf ears because supposedly made for not putting money European citizens to rescue the banks. And because the project can not work , you still need the Europeans to pay the bride.
Not stopping there, though the impact of this project. When a bank goes bankrupt , receiving a strong blow and many banks do business with her. These will need to support it financially because of co-guarantees or because the insolvent bank owes money to all the others.
And because you can never be " just one cockroach in the kitchen " , shareholders , bondholders and depositors of other banks will worry that comes their turn . And some of them will begin to sell their shares , their bank bonds and withdraw their deposits and other " dangerous " European banks . And as they sell stocks and bonds and will withdraw their deposits , will cause problems in the rest of the banking system and the stock markets .
All of this is perfectly logical to happen and it is also quite certain that the " brains " of Brussels and the international banking system to have thought and have developed and the corresponding scenarios in their computer , having designed and always necessary in these administrative circles Plan B, C, D , etc.
Having therefore , although have thought about moving to these laws and communications means that another is the goal of this legislation. No way there is so much naivety and superficiality in grade stupidity leading to administrative agencies in Europe and in the entire European banking system .
So that ends with all of them ?
In simple , " naive " thought that says if you do not know what and why something is being done , better elimination. Eurozone starts and looks very dangerous place for someone to have his savings - perhaps chores .
The Glowing urges people to revolt on property taxes
Objection of unconstitutionality against the tax on the property submitted Regardless . Greeks , but rejected
In rebellion called citizens of the floor of Parliament Chairman of the Independent Greeks, Panos Glowing , to put him on the new tax on real estate in the current debate in the House of Assembly .
" We will decide to put heavy poll taxes, came to England in the 14th century , taxes had to pay someone only because he lived. Thus began the revolt of the peasants. As president of Independent Greeks call the Greeks to begin the revolt of the Greeks , the revolt of the citizens . and can you xanaminysete to break down my immunity, because I call stationary under Article 120 of the Constitution . and constitutional mandate is to prohibit the confiscation of property. Though not rise up , we will never be assert that for which the Greeks sent us here , "said Mr. Glowing .
The Independent Greeks even lodged a complaint of unconstitutionality , which was supported by the entire opposition, Chryssoula Yataganas contend that the bill " is full unconstitutional provisions " and "does not take account of the lucrative nature of the property or not and violates the principles of universality and tax proportionality " . However, the proposal was rejected by the majority.
Earlier, the New Democracy MP and constitutional expert , Prokopios Pavlopoulos , argued against the inclusion of objective values in the calculation of the tax, and noted that " when a property tax not produce any annuity , essentially leads to indirect confiscation" .
" ' It can not be considered a criminal because someone is poor and does not have to pay - sometimes even because the state itself owes him - and ends up having a misdemeanor with a minimum of three years in jail because he can not pay ," he n . Pavlopoulos . " In prison, what will sofronisete ? At most to force him to jump from any balcony ," he said .
Later , Maki Voridis ( SW ) attacked by SYRIZA , noting that " the Left has an ideological position against property " and therefore " is a basic inconsistency of SYRIZA , you have come to the railing against a tax on property . you are also inconsistent , because your program you trischeirotera - there tax on all property . "
" The views of the Left are complex ," replied Euclid Tsakalotos ( SYRIZA ) . " Tax policy should have the cash target, developmental and social . Was there the Swedish model , with high taxes and many social benefits , there is the neo-liberal model , with low taxes and very high consumption . You envision high taxes and very low social benefits . 's a new model . science still has not acted on it. 'll study it , "he said ironically Mr. Tsakalotos .
"You want to convince us that SYRIZA quarrels with the New Republic , though it is just a tax on the Left or the fair tax is Right ? The point is that all those people who invested in this place , thinking " to put a roof over my head , " must now be punished ," remarked Paul Chaikalis ( ANEL ) .
Complaints about the lack of tax-free threshold , expressed Nikos Sifunakis ( PASOK ) , stressing : "The state previously had understated the property and lose money . Currently we have gone to the opposite extreme, the overvaluation of property by notional objective values . I can not accept that a man who is alone in life and has a house fifty square and has income 5,000 euros or 9,000 euros and has nothing else in this world should be taxed . "
" This bill demonstrates categorically how false and fraudulent representations are the party of capital that no new measures , and that 2014 will be a year of recovery ," he said Nikos Moraitis ( KKE ) . " You give battle to the budget surpluses of smashing the workers to have new taxes to finance the monopoly groups ," said the MP.
" The regulations of this bill do not meet our principles , which is to broaden the tax base , strong progressivity of taxation throughout the property , a tax-free threshold and substantial exemptions to vulnerable groups ," observed Asimina Xirotiri . " The ENFIA not apply to the entire property , but is a tax on the individual property. Follows reduction is so large property and consolidates the over-taxation of small and medium property " , argued the MP.
Santorini Luxury Villas
Santorini Luxury Villas
This 17th century "canava" – cave house is furnished to a high standard in the traditional style of the Cycladic islands. Approached via an intimate and inviting courtyard, one enters a vast living area complete with high vaulted ceilings in the traditional Santorinian style. The dining room is serviced by a well equipped galley - style kitchen.
Santorini Luxury Villas
A hand-made, stain glass door leads to the master bedroom with a large, circular King-size bed, cool white walls and an Italian tiled floor. Accommodated within this bedroom is a large Jacuzzi set with mosaic glass tiles. The en-suite bathroom has all the modern amenities, including a large overhead shower and a hand-made marble basin.
A curved staircase leads from the open-plan living area to a mezzanine floor with a double bed. A moon shaped window gives an exceptional and romantic view of the Caldera.
Santorini Luxury Villas
The third double bedroom - or suite - has a private seating area with a fire place and is reached both by a separate entrance from the courtyard and an internal door leading to the main living space. There is a small kitchenette and a mini-bar. The bathroom is spectacular with its large circular bath, with an overhead shower and a recessed hand-made ceramic gold-leaf basin. From the circular private Jacuzzi on the terrace you can enjoy the breathtaking views of the western part of the island and of the ancient volcanic rock formations that stand proudly and magnificently.
Santorini Luxury Villas
This location is sure to entice you to sample a glass of the island's famous wine and provides a wonderful platform from where to enjoy the world famous sunset, whilst savouring the magic of Santorini. And then, the sunset converts into a purely private affair. A magical and angelically blue affair through a Blue Angel experience.
Santorini Luxury Villas
Οι ερασιτέχνες που κυβερνούν το Τραπεζικό σύστημα
Υποτίθεται ότι το Ταμείο Χρηματοπιστωτικής Σταθερότητας έχει στελέχη πρώτης γραμμής τα οποία φυσικά είναι ακριβοπληρωμένα.
Και αυτό γιατί μέχρι τώρα υπήρχε ένας εκπρόσωπος του ΤΧΣ σε κάθε τράπεζα, ο οποίος είχε μόνο εικόνα για το τι συμβαίνει στην τράπεζα όπου μετείχε. Την εικόνα αυτή μετέφερε στην εκτελεστική επιτροπή. Όμως την αντικατάσταση από τα εκτελεστικά μέλη του ΤΧΣ το κάθε μέλος θα μετείχε στο ΔΣ μιας τράπεζας έχοντας εκ της διπλής ιδιότητάς του εσωτερική πληροφόρηση για τις άλλες τράπεζες με αποτέλεσμα να προκύπτει ζήτημα σύγκρουσης συμφερόντων. Και να φανταστείτε αυτοί οι άνθρωποι εποπτεύουν και τις τράπεζες.
Αυτό το κράτος αντί να φροντιζει να εξυπηρετει τον πολίτη, που θα παρκάρει, αντιθέτως του κόβει κλησεις, κ τον ενοχλει κ τον εμποδιζει σε κάθε του βημα. Ολοι αυτοι που κοβουν κλησεις να τους βαλει να χτισουν πάρκιγκ. Αλλα βεβαια ειναι πιο ευκολο να γραφουμε χαρτάκια απο το να κανουμε κατι δημιουργικό.
Αυτό το κράτος αντί να φροντιζει να εξυπηρετει τον πολίτη, που θα παρκάρει, αντιθέτως του κόβει κλησεις, κ τον ενοχλει κ τον εμποδιζει σε κάθε του βημα. Ολοι αυτοι που κοβουν κλησεις να τους βαλει να χτισουν πάρκιγκ. Αλλα βεβαια ειναι πιο ευκολο να γραφουμε χαρτάκια απο το να κανουμε κατι δημιουργικό.
Παρασκευή 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Πέμπτη 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
ΓΣΕΒΕΕ: Το 35% των νοικοκυριών έχει συσσωρευμένες οφειλές - Ένας στους τρείς φοβάται για το σπίτι του
ΓΣΕΒΕΕ: Το 35% των νοικοκυριών έχει συσσωρευμένες οφειλές - Ένας στους τρείς φοβάται για το σπίτι του
Τετάρτη 18 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Διώξτε το στρες... τρώγοντας
Διώξτε το στρες… τρώγοντας

Πόσες φορές έχετε καταφύγει, σε περίοδο έντονου στρες, στην κατανάλωση ενός γλυκού, μιας σοκολάτας ή ενός χάμπουργκερ κι έχετε νιώσει μέσα σε ελάχιστα λεπτά να «ανεβαίνετε ψυχολογικά»;
Όσο γρήγορα όμως μπορεί να συμβαίνει αυτό με τροφές υψηλής περιεκτικότητας σε λίπη και σάκχαρα, άλλο τόσο πιο γρήγορα η επίδραση αυτών των τροφών σας εγκαταλείπει, αφήνοντάς σας μέσα σε μια πιο καταθλιπτική και στρεσογόνο κατάσταση απ’ό,τι ήσασταν αρχικά.
Αυτό συμβαίνει φυσικά γιατί ο οργανισμός μας έχει την ιδιότητα να καίει άμεσα τη γλυκόζη ανεβάζοντας απότομα το επίπεδο του σακχάρου στο αίμα μας, κάνοντας να νιώθουμε ευεξία, αλλά κατόπιν το επίπεδο αυτό πέφτει απότομα μέσα στο πρώτο δίωρο αφού φάμε, κάνοντας τις ορμόνες μας να τρελαίνονται!
Κι όμως, υπάρχουν πολλές τροφές που μπορούν να μας δώσουν την κατάλληλη ενέργεια που χρειάζεται ο οργανισμός μας, προσφέροντάς μας τα σωστά συμπλέγματα υδατανθράκων, τις καθαρές πρωτεΐνες και το υγιές λίπος που θα μας βοηθήσουν να αποβάλλουμε μια για πάντα το στρες!
Γεμάτα με βιταμίνη C, πολύτιμο σύμμαχο για τον οργανισμό μας όχι μόνο για την ενίσχυση του ανοσοποιητικού μας συστήματος, αλλά και για την καταπολέμηση του στρες. Όταν είμαστε αγχωμένοι, το σώμα μας απελευθερώνει περισσότερες ελεύθερες ρίζες. Η βιταμίνη C βοηθάει στην απομάκρυνση αυτών και εμποδίζει την συγκέντρωση τους στο σώμα μας, η οποία μπορεί να προκαλέσει περισσότερο άγχος.
Καταναλώνοντας σε ημερήσια βάση μερικά καρύδια λαμβάνουμε αρκετή ποσότητα λινολεϊκού οξέος και ωμέγα-3 λιπαρών οξέων, στοιχεία που μειώνουν την πίεση του αίματος, εμποδίζουν ορμονικές «εκρήξεις» και μας προστατεύουν από συναισθηματικές εναλλαγές. Ακόμα και το απλό «ροκάνισμα» οποιουδήποτε ξηρού καρπού μας βοηθάει να αποβάλλουμε οποιαδήποτε τάση άγχους.
Μαύρη σοκολάτα
Οι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι σε κρίσεις άγχους καταφεύγουν στη λύση της σοκολάτας, η οποία ρυθμίζει και βελτιώνει την κακή διάθεση. Η κατανάλωση 40 γραμμαρίων μαύρης σοκολάτας την ημέρα(έχει τη μεγαλύτερη περιεκτικότητα σε κακάο), μπορεί μέσα σε δύο εβδομάδες να μειώσουν τα επίπεδα των ορμονών του στρες στον οργανισμό μας και να βελτιώσουν έτσι την ψυχική μας διάθεση. Η μαύρη σοκολάτα δεν έχει μόνο αντιοξειδωτικές ιδιότητες αλλά χαμηλώνει την αρτηριακή πίεση, κάνοντας μας πιο ήρεμους και χαλαρούς.
Το γάλα είναι πλούσιο σε βιταμίνη Β 12, πρωτεΐνες και ασβέστιο που καταπολεμούν τις ελεύθερες ρίζες, λειτουργώντας κατά του άγχους. Επίσης οι πρωτεΐνες του, έχουν την ιδιότητα να χαμηλώνουν την πίεση του αίματος, ενώ το κάλιο του ανακουφίζει από μυϊκούς πόνους και κράμπες!
Εκτός από τα μούρα, οι φράουλες, τα βατόμουρα και γενικότερα τα κόκκινα φρούτα, είναι γεμάτα αντιοξειδωτικά στοιχεία που ανακουφίζουν από το στρες. Επίσης τα μούρα είναι πηγή βιταμίνης C, η οποία ρυθμίζει τα επίπεδα κορτιζόλης στο αίμα μας.
Το να ανακατεύεις ελαφρά ένα ζεστό ρόφημα, απλά και μόνο λειτουργεί χαλαρωτικά. Ιδιαίτερα όμως το χαμομήλι είναι από τα βότανα που έχει ηρεμιστικές ιδιότητες και επίσης μπορεί να φέρει ήπια υπνηλία. Ό,τι πρέπει για έναν ήρεμο ύπνο!
Cottage Cheese
Σε συνδυασμό με λίγο λιναρόσπορο και μερικά βατόμουρα, έχουμε στη στιγμή ένα ενισχυτικό γεύμα για την διάθεση μας. Οι υδατάνθρακες του απελευθερώνουν συνεχώς ενέργεια στον οργανισμό μας, διεγείρουν την σεροτονίνη, ενώ τα βατόμουρα μειώνουν τις ορμόνες του στρες.
Το συγκεκριμένο φρούτο είναι πλούσιο σε γλουταθειόνη, μια ουσία που μειώνει την απορρόφηση των λιπών, τα οποία δημιουργούν οξειδωτική ζημία από το στρες. Είναι καλή πηγή Β-καροτίνης, βιταμίνης Ε και φυλλικού οξέος το οποίο λειτουργεί σημαντικά στην σταθεροποίηση της διάθεση μας.
Η περίπλοκη σύνθεση υδατανθράκων που περιέχει, ανεβάζει τα επίπεδα σεροτονίνης (ορμόνη της ευτυχίας) και έτσι δρουν σαν ηρεμιστικό για τον εγκέφαλο μας.
Η κατάθλιψη έχει συνδεθεί με χαμηλά επίπεδα φυλλικού οξέος στον οργανισμό μας, ένα στοιχείο που τα σπαράγγια έχουν σε αφθονία, άρα μπορούν να λειτουργήσουν θετικά στην διάθεση μας, διώχνοντας μακριά τα αρνητικά αισθήματα.
Πηγή: labellissima.gr
Πείραμα έδειξε ότι τα φυτά μαραίνονται κοντά στα WiFi routers
Πείραμα έδειξε ότι τα φυτά μαραίνονται κοντά στα WiFi routers
Τρίτη 17 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
How a Christmas tree causes destruction in seconds (video)
Δευτέρα 16 Δεκεμβρίου 2013
Μελομακάρονα 8 ευρώ το κιλό, τραγανά απέξω, μελωμένα μέσα με θυμαρίσιο μέλι . http://tiny.cc/melomakarona
Μελομακάρονα 8 ευρώ το κιλό, τραγανά απέξω, μελωμένα μέσα με θυμαρίσιο μέλι . http://tiny.cc/melomakarona
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